Ready to sing your heart out in Dutch? This is your chance! 🎤

Price: €20 per person
Date: March 29th (Saturday)

Time: 15:00 - 19:00

Location 📍

Time to practice your Dutch and learn lots of Dutch bangers! 🎤
Join us at House of Watt for a casual afternoon of Dutch karaoke, where you get to sing along with catchy Dutch tunes togeher with other Dutch learners
we'll start with a borrel and a chat to get your vocal chords warmed up! 😉
p.s.: you will receive the tracklist before, so you can prepare the songs you want to sing along!🕺


Please fill in the form so we know who's coming (and which level you are!)


Please pay through the button below 👇 
And fill in your details here 👇